Sunday, October 2, 2022

More faith?

 Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4; Luke 17:5-10

In the Gospel reading, the disciples say they want more faith, as if faith is quantifiable, as if they will be able to do more if they have more faith. Jesus replies that even a little faith can work wonders.

The context in Luke for this request is intriguing. Many parts of the Gospels seem to be collections of stories, put together to suit the author’s purpose. So, this could be a separate story, or a portion of a larger story. That’s what the lectionary does for us, or to us.

Immediately before this story of the disciples asking for more faith is a story about Jesus telling them they must forgive, even if someone sins against them repeatedly, and repeatedly promises to not sin again. We all have trouble forgiving, and it’s harder to do so when the injury is repeated. No wonder the disciples ask for more faith, if the request is related to the command to forgive a repeat offender!

If, on the other hand, the story of the disciples asking for more faith is a separate story, then we have to wonder how much faith is enough. Certainly -- we think -- Jesus is exaggerating, speaking in hyperbole. There are no stories in scripture of Jesus moving mountains or replanting trees. However, there are lots of stories of there being more than enough food, and healing for countless people.

I’m led to wonder what we would do if we had more faith. Then, I wonder what we could we do if we had more faith. Now, it’s just a matter of dreaming big enough for Jesus.

What would the congregation be like if we had twice or three times as many non-student members? … What could it look like?

What would Campus Ministry look like if we doubled or tripled membership? … What could it look like?

Do we have the faith to set goals and work towards making them happen? What goals could we set? This is a time of transition, a perfectly good time to set new goals.

Here is one: with the disastrous effect of Hurricane Ian, we will be invited to assist in recovery efforts within the Synod. Details are not yet known, but I am sure church buildings are gone or at least uninhabitable. How will we respond? Do we have the faith to set a high dollar goal, to make a significant difference to those who are suffering just south of us? What can we do to meet the goal we set?

… Jesus gives this odd story next. Slaves – or let’s say workers – are supposed to do their job, not sit down with their boss at a fancy dinner. Our job as believers in Jesus is to have faith, faith that God will help make happen whatever gives healing and justice to God’s people.

We can be sure God is present with those who have lost – whatever they have lost. We can be sure God is present with us, too.

Let’s do as Habakkuk says, and post a watcher to look for God, so we don’t miss out on opportunities to see God at work among us and in our community, in our synod. If we look for God, we will discover we have plenty faith to do whatever we decide God is calling us to do.

In other words, Jesus says to the disciples and to us, we have enough faith to do whatever needs to be done. Just do it! 


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