Monday, May 10, 2021

Jesus' sacrificial love and friendship


Here is Intern Lori's sermon 

Grace to you this morning brothers and sisters in Christ,

The message from Jesus that we received today, called us to embody. How can we give up our lives for others? What can we do to show that depth of love for others within and outside the church?

Well, we do not have to look far. Jesus’ use of himself as the model of love, and for the commandment keeping is anchored in daily life.  We can imagine Jesus’ encouragement to us: “You can do this! You can do this why? I have done it, and I am here to show you how to do it.”

With this in mind, in John 15:9-10 Jesus models for the community the kind of loving relationship they must have. How? By being obedience to God’s commandments and on self-giving. In the same way that Jesus kept God’s command and abide in God’s love so also the disciples, if they keep Jesus’ commands, will abide in his love, that is, that they will remain attached to Jesus and through Jesus to God.  And this love is best expressed how? Self-giving, sacrificial love, laying down one’s life for your friends.

Jesus calls his disciples “friends” and shows difference with this of master-slave relationship which was a one-way relationship. Instead, it is a relationship of reciprocal love, creating a community of friends, willing to sacrifice for each other. They key word is friend. I want to take a moment to show you the sign “Friends” in American Sign Language.

The love God showed toward Jesus he shows toward his disciples so they could show it to each other. When they love this way, their love becomes soaked with divine qualities. It is not just emotional cozy feeling but also a conscious decision to put yourself on the line and risk everything for the other. This kind of love will make sure that justice is done in the world. You will venture yourself from the safety of your community into the broader society to see that is transformed by this sacrificial love that Jesus modeled for us.

 More specifically what would that look like today?

 I want to emphasize that Jesus did not wait for people to come to him. Jesus went to people.

 Here are two stories that Churches have done to reach out in the community.

Zion Originated Outreach Ministry also known as Zoom. The vision f or ZOOM house began more than 20 years ago, as a solution within a community plagued by drug use, violence an overall negativity. One afternoon, Drug Enforcement Agency raid bought the police, local property management, an d members of Zion Lutheran Church together in attempt to reduce drug-related violence in the neighborhood and offer safe, affordable housing to area families transitioning from homelessness. They eventually purchased an apartment building that is now ZOOM House and began housing ministry inclusive of opportunities for educational advancement, job training, spiritual growth and neighborhood involvement for its residents in Minnesota.


Another story I want to share is a personal story of Pastor Beth Lockard, who is one of the two Deaf ELCA Pastor in the World. She is also one of my two internship supervisors. She works at Christ The King Church in West Chester, PA. What she noticed about ten years ago where Deaf people from war zone countries were moving to America and had no support. So, she started a nonprofit agency in collaboration with her church called “Deaf CAN” and reached out to Deaf refugees. Now, it’s growing and there’s even a World Refugee Day where people who are Deaf Refugees leading this event on June 10-13 2021.

Check this video out:

 Pastor Beth shared with me recently that along the way they became friends!

 As St. Matthew’s look to call a New Pastor. What are some possibilities that God is leading us to do for our community here in Ocala? How can the St Matthew’s and Ocala community be transformed by this sacrificial love that Jesus modeled for us to become friends not only inside this church but outside?

With God all things are possible, friends.



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