Saturday, October 9, 2010


2 Kings 5:1-3. 7-15; Luke 17:11-19

Today’s Old and New Testament Scripture readings are about miraculous healings. I think it is unfair to call people by their diseases, even though the Bible does. After all, we don’t refer to people with cancer as “cancerites.” Such terms single people out. So, we’ll talk and think today about people with leprosy, not “lepers.” It’s a matter of perception.

The disease for today is leprosy, which refers to a variety of skin diseases. Some diseases were not contagious, but had about them an “ick factor,” red, pussy, oozing, scaly, lacking color, and so forth, which are not normal conditions of the skin. Such diseases rendered the sufferers unclean, and under severe punishment by God.

In a time without today’s medical knowledge, such isolations were the only sure way to avoid the spreading of contagious diseases. It also prevented the spread of uncleanness. Those who had been cast out of their communities were dependent on the mercy of families and passers-by to give them food to eat, extra clothing, news, and so forth.

In the Old Testament reading, Naaman the Aramean general had a high opinion of himself, and a skin disease. Apparently, his disease did not cause him to be isolated; or maybe it was his high ranking. The text doesn’t say. No one in the kingdom could heal him. An Israelite girl had heard of the prophet Elisha, who had healed a few people and suggested that Naaman go to him.

He did, but was surprised at the way he was treated. As important a person as he was, he expected to be treated with some pomp and circumstance, but Elisha chose to speak through a messenger instead of face to face. “Go and wash in the Jordan River.” Naaman spoke with disdain about the Jordan River, a shallow, muddy stream at that time of year, and not nearly as magnificent as the rivers at home in Aram. It was a matter of perception.

But, eventually, he obeyed, and received the gift of healing. In response, he recognized the power of Elisha’s God, and vowed to worship only that God from that time on. Naaman knew he had received a gift, and was grateful for it. His perception changed radically, based on the God-given gift of healing.

… As we turn to the Gospel story, you remember that Jews and Samarians hated each other, and would avoid each other if at all possible. The region between Galilee and Samaria was a sort-of no-man’s-land. In this land, there lived some rejects, some people with skin diseases who had been banished from their respective communities.

Cultural enemies, these people with leprosy formed their own community; they probably prayed, ate, slept, and wept together. Their perception of each other was shaped by their common disease, and of being outcasts together.

Jesus approached this region and heard the cries for mercy. His perception of the people was different from most Jews and Samaritans. He saw them as folks in need of healing. In response to their cries for mercy, he said “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” As they walk, they are healed.

Here’s what I think happened. The perception of the Jews with leprosy was to obey the rabbi and go to the priests. There, they would be declared healed and able to return to their families. Their response was automatic. Perhaps their perception was that they had done enough prayers and requests for mercy, and God now owed them healing. Getting to the priests as quickly as possible was all they could think about. Their perception was to obey God by obeying the rules of their faith.

At first, the Samaritan went with them, until he realized he was no longer forced by circumstances to associate with the Jews. His thought process was interrupted. He turned to head in the direction of his own priest, and it was that turning that called to mind the idea of giving thanks. When he turned, then, he had a new perception of Jesus as having access to God’s healing powers.

… We are all human, and our perceptions are shaped by the realities of our lives, and by what the church has taught us is appropriate.

In the past, perceptions included the rightness of slavery, because people with darker skin were not fully human. Perceptions included the rightness of the banishment of pregnant teenage girls, who went to live with distant relatives until the baby was born and they could return home. Perceptions included the rightness of keeping women barefoot and pregnant, with no right to vote, much less serve as elected officials or corporation CEOs.

You probably remember the reactions to the discovery of AIDS. Even if we knew someone who suffered from it, many of us wanted the victims to stay far away from us. We didn’t want to catch it.

Then, as we learned more about AIDS, we began to have sympathy for those who acquired AIDS by transfusion, but not for those who got it by inappropriate sexual activity or illegal drug use. By now, we are appalled at the number of innocent victims, especially in Africa where ½ the population has been affected by this disease – either as victims or as orphans. Our perception of the disease certainly has changed. As our perceptions changed, we have been able to pressure the drug companies into making the medications available at prices even people in the poorest parts of Africa can afford.

We are beginning to recognize that isolating people because of a disease or condition is not just, for them or for us. We have much to learn about God’s perceptions, but if we keep an eye on Jesus, we can learn a lot. The people “proper” society rejected are just those who were there at his birth. The people “proper” society rejected are just those whom Jesus loved and healed and ate with and welcomed into the band of disciples following him. The people “proper” society rejected are just those who shared the story of Jesus with other social rejects.

Our personal perceptions affect how we see those around us, and if we even notice those around us. It is easy to judge the Pharisees and others in Scripture who rejected some members of their society. But we must be careful that we are not doing the same thing.

Your challenge this week is to pay attention to those around you. How do you perceive them? How do you see the cashiers and baggers at the grocery store? How do you see all the workers in the doctors’ office? How do you see the elderly man with the walker in Walgreens, blocking the aisle? How do you see the mom with several children trying to get the best deal on ground beef for her family? How do you see the woman in the liquor store, with a cart full of beverages? How do you see the business man talking on his cell phone at the restaurant? Do you perceive them with love, as Jesus would? Do you greet them and share a smile and a kind word with them?

Please pray with me. Jesus, there are so many people in the world around us. Help us to see with your eyes and to feel with your heart, and to reach out to them with your love. Amen

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